Mood disorder

What is mood disorder?

A mood disorder, also known as an affective disorder, is a mental health condition that primarily affects a person's emotional state. Mood disorders can dramatically impact daily functioning and often require treatment. The most common types of mood disorders are depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia and cyclothymia.

Depression involves feeling sad, empty, hopeless or irritable most of the time. Other common symptoms include loss of interest in activities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, feelings of worthlessness and suicidal thoughts. There are several types of depressive disorders, including major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) and seasonal affective disorder. While depression is often situational, some individuals have a genetic predisposition. Anti-depressant medication and psychotherapy can help manage symptoms.

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic-depression, causes extreme shifts in mood and energy levels. People with bipolar disorder alternate between periods of mania (elevated mood and energy) and periods of depression. Manic episodes may involve agitation, impulsive behavior and racing thoughts. Mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics are often prescribed to control bipolar disorder. Psychotherapy also provides coping strategies.

Cyclothymic disorder involves fluctuating mood swings that alternate between hypomania and depression. While the mood swings are less severe than full-blown mania and depression, they still impair functioning. This chronic, milder form of bipolar disorder often develops in adolescence or early adulthood. Lifestyle changes and mood stabilizers can help manage cyclothymia.

Detecting mood disorders early and seeking treatment is crucial. If you've been feeling persistently sad, empty, hopeless or irritable, please consider scheduling a mental health evaluation. The caring medical providers at Hormone Harmony have experience diagnosing and treating mood disorders. Reach out today to learn more about evidence-based treatment options that can help you reclaim your mental health and start feeling like yourself again.

In summary, mood disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia and cyclothymia involve disruptive emotional symptoms that negatively impact quality of life. With professional treatment such as therapy and medication management, many people with mood disorders can achieve stabilization of symptoms and return to healthy functioning. Don't hesitate to get the help you deserve.

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