Unexplained weight gain

Unexplained weight gain can be incredibly frustrating. You may notice your clothes fitting tighter or the number on the scale creeping up, but you can't seem to pinpoint the cause. There are several potential reasons for those unexpected extra pounds.

Some common causes include:

- Hormonal imbalances: Conditions like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and menopause can slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain without any changes to your diet or exercise. Getting your hormone levels tested is important. A clinic like Hormone Harmony can provide comprehensive hormone testing and personalized treatment plans to get your hormones balanced again.

- Medications: Many prescription drugs like steroids, antidepressants, and seizure medications list weight gain as a potential side effect. Talk to your doctor about alternatives if you notice unexplained weight gain after starting a new medication.

- Too little exercise: As we get older, our metabolism naturally slows down. Not exercising enough can cause those extra pounds to creep on. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity per week to help maintain metabolism and a healthy weight.

- Excess calories: This one may seem obvious, but even an extra 100 calories per day can lead to a 10-pound weight gain over the course of a year. Pay close attention to portion sizes, sugary drinks, and high-calorie snacks which can add calories quickly.

- Stress: High levels of the stress hormone cortisol can increase appetite and fat storage around the abdomen. Chronic stress takes a toll on your body in multiple ways, including potential weight gain.

- Poor sleep: Not getting enough quality sleep messes with levels of hormones that control hunger and satiety. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Establish a calming pre-bedtime routine and limit electronics before bedtime.

- Medical conditions: Issues like chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, Cushing's disease, and osteoarthritis can all contribute to difficulty losing weight. See your doctor to rule out any underlying medical problems.

The key is being aware of any lifestyle changes and getting to the root cause of unexplained weight gain. Track your calories, get regular exercise, reduce stress, optimize sleep, and get hormone levels tested if needed. With some focused lifestyle adjustments and patience, you may be able to get back on track with your weight goals. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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